Water softening and deferrizating (up to 1.5 mg/l) system for continuous water supply with 2 parallel filter pressure tanks. Completed in Latvia. During the regeneration only one tank is working while the second is flushing through. Fully automated operation. 3-year warranty.
Water softening and deferrizating (up to 1.5 mg/l) system for continuous water supply with 2 parallel filter pressure tanks. Completed in Latvia. During the regeneration only one tank is working while the second is flushing through. Fully automated operation. 3-year warranty.
Water softening and deferrizating (up to 1.5 mg/l) system. Completed in Latvia. Fully automated operation. 3-year warranty.
Water softening and deferrizating (up to 1.5 mg/l) system. Completed in Latvia. Fully automated operation. 3-year warranty.
Water softening and deferrizating (up to 1.5 mg/l) system for continuous supply of pure water. Completed in Latvia. Differs from conventional water softeners by spare filter pressure tank, which turns on during the other tank's regeneration. Suitable for apartment houses, guest houses, holiday homes, small plants, boiler houses. Fully automated operation. 3-year warranty.
Water softening and deferrizating (up to 1.5 mg/l) system for continuous supply of pure water. Completed in Latvia. Differs from conventional water softeners by spare filter pressure tank, which turns on during the other tank's regeneration. Suitable for apartment houses, guest houses, holiday homes, small plants, boiler houses. Fully automated operation. 3-year warranty.
Water softening and deferrizating (up to 1.5 mg/l) system. Completed in Latvia. Fully automated operation. 3-year warranty.
Darbības princips
Ūdens mīkstināšanas iekārta izmanto jonu apmaiņas principu: ūdens plūst caur tvertni, kurā atrodas ar nātrija joniem piesātināti sveķi, sveķi piesaista ūdenī izšķīdušos kalcija, magnija jonus un aizvieto ar nātrija joniem.
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Water softening and deferrizating (up to 1.5 mg/l) system. Completed in Latvia. Fully automated operation. 3-year warranty.
Water softening and deferrizating (up to 1.5 mg/l) system. Completed in Latvia. Fully automated operation. 3-year warranty.
Water softening and deferrizating (up to 1.5 mg/l) system. Completed in Latvia. Fully automated operation. 3-year warranty.